The days past by like a racing car completing its laps over and over again at a great speed. Praise God for the good weather everyday. The drizzle early in the morning brings in the mist, covering the mountains behind my campus. The surrounding temperature is just alright and you could feel the really cool breeze hitting against your face. It was a good feeling when I wake up every morning. My head just seem too heavy to be lifted up from my pillow (I still have to get up though). I reckon it's natural for everyone to have problem waking up early every morning especially when the weather is so fine.
"But I trust in Your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in Your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for He has been good to me." Psalm 13:5-6
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A New Chapter Everyday
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Lord's Prayer
" 'Father,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come.
Give us each day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,
for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.
And lead us not into temptation.' " (Luke 11:1-4)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Developed by EA games, Medal of Honor: Airborne will definitely take your breath away with its immense battle across Europe and the Allies' relentless enemy, the Germans. Gamespot gave it a 7.0/10
These are some of its screenshots:
I tried it and was really caught up in the crossfire. The gameplay is quite realistic and it will get on your nerve sometimes when you keep throwing grenades at the enemy and they still keep coming towards you! Overall, your eyes will definitely be glued to the screen once you are airborne!
Whereas for less die hard gamers, this is another game that I recommend you:
In Spore, you get to create your own creatures, vehicles, buildings, planes and even UFOs (all from a wide selection of cool gadgets and whole lot more)! You can change the size of your creature according to your taste and also create a creature with one or a pair of eyes....or even more! You also get to share the things you created with other people online. The gameplay is really cute and fun as well as interactive. From a small prokaryotic cell, you eventually evolve into a galactic commander! Try to go watch the gameplay on YouTube and you'll get what I mean. Gamespot gave it a 8.0/10
Till then, take care and God bless.
Jesus loves you!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
US Presidential Election 2008
'Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.' (1 Peter 2:13-17)
Obama, a first term senator with little experience on the national level, made history by becoming the nation's first black president and defeating Sen. John McCain, one of the country's most experienced politicians and a bona fide war hero.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Cookies and Thoughts
Tasted nice with nuts
Tasted like chocolate
I attended English class just now and we were touching on the topic "Culture". We were given a task to discuss about weddings of different races and festivals celebrated by races in Malaysia and all over the world. While my group was having our discussion, I came across a word - reincarnation (related to Deepavali celebration and Buddhism). I then remembered about an article I read in the Internet and decided to share it with you:
Reincarnation, Karma & Life after Death
by Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D.
People have always wondered what--if anything--lies beyond the grave. Is death the end of existence, an entry into eternity, or an intermission between earthly lives? Some teach that the soul reincarnates in many different bodies, and approximately 25 percent of Americans believe it. Why are so many people drawn to reincarnation?
Is Reincarnation The ChanceAt A 'Do-over'?
Reincarnation offers hope to many. If we don't get it right in this life, we have another chance the next time around. Yet, even those who believe in reincarnation admit that the vast majority of humans do not remember their previous lives. How can we learn from our past mistakes if we cannot remember them? We seem to make the same mistakes over and over again. Given the moral failure rate of human history, do we have any reason to hope that we will get it right in a future lifetime?
Reincarnation also claims to insure justice. According to the law of karma (an unbending and impersonal rule of the universe), we get what we deserve in every life. Our good and bad deeds produce good and bad results from lifetime to lifetime. With karma, there is supposedly no unjust suffering, because no one is innocent. All suffering is deserved on the basis of bad karma. The baby born without legs deserved it, as did the woman who was raped. We all carry our karma into each life. There is no grace, no forgiveness, no mercy. Not only is this is not good news for those burdened down with the weight of a troubled conscience, but karma also conflicts with our moral sense that some suffering is undeserved and deserves our pity and our actions to alleviate it.
The Limitations of Reincarnation
Can reincarnation realistically offer hope and a sense of justice to a troubled world? And what comfort does it offer regarding the nagging problem of death? The law of karma is unmerciful. Yet the message of Jesus Christ is different. Jesus did not deny there is unjust suffering. He offered forgiveness for those who inflict it and comfort for those that experience it.
Douglas Groothuis, Ph.D. teaches philosophy at Denver Seminary and is the author of Jesus in an Age of Controversy.
P/S: Please pray for me and the other students in their 2nd year of Medicine for our coming exams.
Take care and God bless.
Jesus loves you! :-)