"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7
The two weeks long exam had finally came to an end last Friday. What a relieve we all had! After taking some farewell photos (out of the excitement, some friends volunteered (they actually did earlier) to be thrown into the pond--their wishes came through), I went to watch Angels and Demons which was released a day before. My mind raced back to the DaVinci Code. I was expecting its sequel to be much the same--not so action-packed. But boy! Angels and Demons sure is a good one! I gave it a:

8.0/10 for its opening
8.0/10 for its storyline
9.0/10 for its plot (It was totally unexpected!)
8.0/10 for its script
8.0/10 for its acting
8.0/10 for its cameratography
9.5/10 for its next-scene-expectancy
Overall Score: 8.4/10
This movie is mainly based on a conspiracy theme and it should be watched for entertainment purpose only. It's really worth the time and money. Coming up next: Transformers 2 and Terminator: Salvation! Bring it on!
Here are some photos based on the incidents that took place after my last paper (chronological order):

This is not all.... I borrowed my friend's Canon 350D and set it to Sports Mode (for quick-still shots) and grab the opportunity to take these for remembrance. Reminder: The characters in the photos below did it according to their free will (volunteered) and not under forceful actions.

Ramesh (in dark red shirt): "What? You're gonna throw me in now?"
Others carrying him: "Oh yeah!"
Ramesh: "Gently....gently..."
Others: "There you go!"
Ramesh: "Whoa!?"

"Aaarrgghh....... rrrooooaaarr....." raging monster climbing out from his lair
Peace out, bro

Next 'super candidate': Vicky

Vicky: "I'm coming home!"

This photo (above) could have won 'The Defying-Gravity-Pose of the Year Award' and 'The Best Human-Throw Award'

Vicky: "Simply refreshing!"
I went to my Christian Fellowship for the last time during my foundation year that night. It was really a touching moment. I felt excited and sad at the same time. Excited to go home and sad to leave my friends and fellowship (everyone!). I'll miss you guys! And thanks so much for the farewell gifts and dinner too!
I arrived home last Saturday night. Kuching has again changed since the past 4 months. High raised buildings are seen and familiar sights come in view. I'm currently updating my net profiles that I missed during my last few weeks.
If you read my second last post before this, I mentioned that I'll upload more photos I took with my Canon 450D and make my review on it. However, after gathering my photos up, I found out that they were too 'numerous' to be uploaded. So I'll divide them according to my posts.
Firstly in this post, I'm going to make my point of view on my Canon 450D.
So why buy a Canon 450D instead of waiting for the 500D or perhaps 50D or perhaps even other brands?
First-- the Brand.
Canon is a world famous brand and it is not only famous for its printers, but also for its cameras--particularly its SLRs. Wherever you go, you'll probably see a Canon Marketing or Service shop nearby. You will have less trouble to send your camera or products for service. Furthermore, it is a necessity for dSLR users to have a Canon shop nearby to buy lenses and other accessories. In all, CONVENIENCE empowers everything.
Second--Cheaper Body, Higher Quality Lenses and Images
The Canon 450D is almost compatible with all of these lenses (basically every one of them)....which means that you are paying less for the body (SLR digital camera) and investing more on the lenses (Canon). The lens is more important than its body. The lenses determine the image blurity and fineness. Unless you want a super fine image, it's recommended that you get a higher Mega Pixed camera, such as the 50D or even the Mark Series which have price tags ranging from RM5000 - RM10,000. Canon lenses are also famous for their IS function (Image Stabilizer). It is an additional bonus for Canon SLR users. You can take a shot at everything with satisfactory. The 450D body is also compatible with most of the Canon lenses (other brands also), from EFS to EF lenses.
As I'm new to using SLR camera, I bought the 450D as it is considered as one of the best starter SLR camera. It is user friendly and easy to handle. After taking a few shots, you would find it rather easy to use besides getting familiarise with its functions. I was actually considering the Nikon D90 but it is much more expensive and after making some comparison (reviews and Canon users videos in the net), I finally decided to invest the extra money (I bought mine for RM2700+) in lenses rather than buying a RM4,000 camera straight. The Nikon D90 focus more on its new video capture function and handling, and though the release of 500D is just around the corner, I still chose the 450D as my primary selection. I felt that it is good enough.
Hope that the picture below can give you a much clearer review:
12.2 Megapixel, a DIGIC III Imaging Processor, a 3.0" crystal clear LCD screen, live-view mode, noise reduction function, self sensor cleaning system, Max. 3.5 fps, up to 13 manual functions, 30 sec. to 1/4000 sec. shutter speed, ISO ranged from auto to 1600, aperture up too f 1.4 (depending on the lens you use), compatible with all EF-S and EF lenses, light and easy to carry around, and many more
(Please visit here)
I think that's all for now. Coming up, I'm gonna upload the photos I took using my 450D and write about the differences in lenses.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank mom and dad as well as my siblings for their support and help throughout my foundation year. Above all, praise God for His guidance all along. His grace is indeed sufficient.
Till then, take care and God bless.
1 comment:
so expensive!!
when go back i sure borrow and take pic anyway..
u must borrow me ah,
tat time u cant confirm me,
so my X roommate want same room me oredy in 2 per room,
you want same house me?
then who u going to find to be your roommate?
plan to find loi them?
u can go and ask urself lo,
robson them...
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