Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!

They crucified Him. - Matthew 27:35

Time flies. It's just less than 33 hours till my departure to Kedah, the Rice bowl of Malaysia. Currently busy packing. This may be my last post back in Kuching. Please pray for me that God will continue to lead me, that I will abide to His Will and strengthen my Faith in Him through Jesus Christ. By the way, today is another big day! It's Father's Day!! There's not much happening for today cause my family and I were also busy so we just had a simple dinner to remember this day.

I read the Daily Bread and read about this Admiral who ordered the waterways to be sprayed with a type of chemical to push back and make it harder for North Vietnamese to ambush Navy river patrol boats at point-blank range. One of his sons was also in the army like him. His son later died of cancer in 1988. His father, the admiral believed that the chemical killed his son. What a heartbreaking story of a father who made a decision that resulted in great suffering for his own son!

How much greater was the heartbreak of God the Father when He provided salvation for us! He made a decision that resulted in immeasurable agony for His only own Son. Think of how God must have felt as He watched His Son suffer the mockery of the crow, the lashes of the whip, the pain of the nails through His hands and feet, the inexpressible weight and humiliation of our sins, and the indescribable agony of isolation and abandonment.

Father, forgive us for adding to Your pain by our lack of gratitude. Please help us to live in a way that will honor Your Son, who defeated sin and death- for us.

The truest measure of God's love is that He loves without measure.

Till then,

God bless. Jesus loves you.

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